What Will You Learn?
Core Java covers the basic concepts of the Java programming language.It is used for developing computing or desktop applications and based on single-tier architecture.It covers core topics such as OOPs, inheritance, exception handling, etc.
Course Curriculum
- What is Java? History of Java Features of Java Hello Java Program How to set path? Java Tokens Java Statements Java Data Types Typecasting Java operators Scanner class: to get input from the keyboard Conditional statements in java Looping in java
- Advantage of OOPs Object and Class Method Overloading Constructor Command Line Arguments static keyword Inheritance Method Overriding interfaces Package Access Modifiers Java Array String Manipulation
- Introduction Pre-Defined Exceptions Try,Catch,Finally Throws, throw
- Thread Creations Thread Life Cycle Life Cycle Methods Wait() notify() notify all() methods
- Introduction to Applets Basic Applet Program
- Collection Framework ArrayList class LinkedList class ArrayList vs LinkedList ListIterator interface HashSet class LinkedHashSet class TreeSet class PriorityQueue class Map interface HashMap class LinkedHashMap class TreeMap class Hashtable class
- Finally at the end, time to apply the concept you've learnt.