Full Stack Web Development

Full Stack Web Development Course

It refers to the end-to-end application software development, including the front end and back end.

  •   8 to 10 Months

What Will You Learn?

Full stack development provides a faster and more efficient development experience to build web applications, as team members are equipped with the knowledge of various technologies and tools and can use their diverse knowledge for development as well as future research.

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction to number sysytem and Bit manipulations Time Complexity Analysis Arrays Techniques Basic Maths for Programming Sorting and Hashing Libraries Recursion OOPS
  Problem Solving & CS Fundamentals

  • Time Complexity Arrays Strings Binary Search 2 Pointers Recursion Hashing Sorting Bit Manipulation Stacks Queues Linked Lists Trees and Heap D.S.A

  •  PHP And MySQL
    Setting up and installing PHP PHP Overview of MySQL Coding Standards JavaScript Validation AJAX(Asynchromous JavaScript and XML) FTP Management Sending emails Deployment Live Project
    Setting Up and Installing Laravel Authentication Your Application Storing and Using data Using Controllers and Routes for URLs and APIs Displaying Your Views Creating and Using Composer Packages Using AJAX and Jqery Using security and sessions effective Testing and debugging your app

  • Markup Language & JSON Essential s of NodeJS Optimize web for search engines
    Overview Environment setup Data types Python list Python truples Python dictionary Basic concepts Basic operators in python Loops and decision making Functions Python modules and packages Basic OOPs concept Decorator, Iterator and Generator Anonymous function File manipulation Pythoon GUI SQL and Python NoSQL and Python Project demonstration tkinter with SQL Other concepts
    Introduction to djnago Installation of django The basic of dynamic web pages The django template system Interacting with a Database:Models The django Administration site Form processing Advanced views and URL configurations Generic views Extending the template engine Generating Non-HTML content Sessions, Users and registration

  •  Node JS
    Getting started with NodeJs Node package Manager Modules Asynchronous Programming Callbacks Event & event loop Stream and buffers Connecting Node.js to Database Web sockets
     Express JS
    MVC Pattern Introduction to Express Routing HTTTP Interaction Handling form data Handling query parameters Cookies and sessions User Authentication Error handling Creating and consuming Restful services Using templates
     Mongo DB
    Concepts Scalling SQL and complex transactions Document Overview Installing MongoDB JSON Dynamic schema Cursor Introduction Query Language: Basic concepts Query Language: Projection Query Language: Advantages of a dynamic schema Shell : Queries Sorting Query Language: Cursors User Authentication Error handling

  • Intro of version control system Environment setup for Git Repository in Git Git Workflow Cloning aa Repository Git pull Git add and commit Git push Branching Merging repositories